Mind Watcher

Jazz, compositions, modern

Mind Watcher - Jazz, compositions, modern
  • Friday March, 3rd 2023
  • 9:30 PM
  • 38Riv
  • Full price : 25 €
    Reduced price : 20 €
    PJC member price : 20 €

"It is during the 2nd confinement, at the beginning of the year 2021, that our meeting was made during a "session" at Gabriel Pierre's. This particular period which stopped the artistic world was nevertheless favourable to the meetings, through meetings to play. Simply to play to continue to live our lives of musicians. Gabriel, whom I had known for some time, brought us together at his place one day in the spring of 2021 to play some standards in all simplicity. Informal sessions sometimes give rise to very nice surprises, and this was certainly one of them! We were then in a second ordeal since the concert halls, jazz clubs and other cultural places were closed. In the depths of this winter marked by the pandemic, I entered a writing phase in this quartet format guitar/piano/counter bass/drums, with the objective of renewing this 1st meeting.

Mind Watcher.
Through the vibrations and sensations that music provides, an introspection gives rise to a look at the world and oneself, especially with the context of the two years linked to Covid-19 and its batch of questioning, interrogations, fears and especially hopes. A time of observation to redefine one's place among the elements.

The path taken is the one we choose, according to events, encounters, moods. Improvisation in music and particularly in jazz allows us to accomplish a journey in the moment, to draw a unique story and share it with the audience.

Jérémy Bruger: piano, compositions
Thomas Gaucher: guitar
Gabriel Pierre: double bass
Malte Arndal: drums



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