Tony Chasseur Quintet

Tony Chasseur Quintet - Photo : Jeff Ludovicus
Jeff Ludovicus

Over a career spanning more than 30 years, Tony was one of the few artists, one of the few voices, to leave an indelible imprint on the contemporary music scene in Martinique, not to say the West Indies. On his "hit list": La Perfecta - JM Harmony - Sakiyo - Malavoi - Le GMZ - Fal Frett - Notable appearances on major tours by Kassav - MizikOpéyi - RAISE

His career has been marked by countless duets and hits. His name appears on an impressive number of albums produced over 3 decades, and today he is a key artistic and musical director at major Creole music events in France and the West Indies. For some fifteen years now, he has been moving towards a more jazz-oriented musical approach which, blended with his original traditional rhythms, defines himself as Creole Jazz. His leadership of the Big Band MizikOpéyi (founded with Thierry Vaton) is the most audible sign of this. His various musical adventures are showcased in his performances, which move between Creole chanson, jazz and international variety covers, and Creole Jazz. He is surrounded by 4 experienced musicians, who form the musical core of many world-renowned artists.

Thierry Vaton (Piano), Rody Céréyon (Bass), Grégory Louis (Drums), David Donatien (Percussions).


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