Jam Session Tribute To Duke Ellington

#PlaceAuxJeunes by Simon Chivallon

JAM SESSION tribute to DUKE ELLINGTON - #PlaceAuxJeunes by Simon Chivallon - Photo : Simon Chivallon
Simon Chivallon
  • Sunday September, 26th 2021
  • 9:00 PM
  • Baiser Salé
  • Free entrance

Concert tribute to the work of the great Duke Ellington. Pianist, composer and conductor, Ellington has become an icon for all jazz musicians. For decades, he conducted one of the most renowned orchestras in jazz history along with that of Count Basie. An outstanding composer and performer, Duke Ellington has left many jazz standards as a legacy.

Originally from the Bordeaux region, Simon graduated from the Pôle Supérieur de Paris in 2015. Sideman and leader he loves above all, the stage. In 2017 he released a first album "Flying Wolf" with a good presence in the press. In March 2021, he will release a trio album "Light Blue" devoted to a repertoire of songs that has been unanimously acclaimed by the profession.

If jazz is a way of living music in the moment, Simon Chivallon is totally the embodiment of it, and each solo shows it by its spontaneity and its frankness. There is no room for pretence: what is played is what comes, a sensitivity that expresses itself, a talent that breathes and seeks to touch the listener.

Simon Chivallon piano/lead
Luca Fatorinni dbass
Malte Arndal drums



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