Saulo Fernandes

Saulo Fernandes

Saulo returns to Europe in June to, once again, command the stage in many cities, rocking the audience with the rhythm of Bahia.

Saulo's acoustic concert will showcase the best hits of his career.

According to Saulo, foreigners are as musical as Brazilians. “It's a very generous audience that always participates and really likes Brazilian music”, he adds.

Saulo Fernandes began his career in the band Chica Fé. In 2002, he accepted the invitation to lead Banda Eva, replacing singer Ivete Sangalo, where he led Eva for 11 years, then going solo in 2013.
The acoustic show has a repertoire that includes hits from different phases of Saulo's career and the classics of Bahian music. “Genuine joy! Good energy! Lots of music from Bahia to sing, cry and smile!”, says Saulo about what the public will find in these presentations.

Throughout the concert, Saulo will sing several hits walking through “Eva, Circulô, Não Precisa Mudar, Raiz de Todo Bem, We are Carnaval, Anunciação”, among many others.

Rodrigo de Oliveira
Saulo Fernandes



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