Adrien Brandeis Quartet

Siempre más allá

Adrien Brandeis Quartet - Siempre más allá
  • Saturday July, 22nd 2023
  • 9:30 PM
  • 38Riv
  • Full price : 25 €
    Reduced price : 20 €
    PJC member price : 20 €

French pianist-composer Adrien Brandeis pays tribute to Mexico with his third album, "Siempre más allá" - "Toujours au-delà" - recorded as a quartet, after presenting his previous projects "Euforia" and "Meetings" at the country's leading jazz festivals.

"Siempre más allá" presents colorful, finely nuanced jazz, allowing the pianist to showcase his contrasting musical influences: jazz, classical music, Latin music, consolidating his own style and creating his musical signature.
Very attached to the quartet, this repertoire is also an opportunity for him to try out new formulas such as solo piano and duo.

At the age of 30, Adrien Brandeis has already presented his music at some of Europe's leading jazz festivals (A to Jazz Festival, Jazz a Toulon, Nice Jazz Festival, Umbria Jazz, Leopolis Jazz Festival, Love Supreme Jazz Festival, Heineken Jazzaldia Festival, Kongsberg Jazz Festival, JazzOpen Stuttgart), in Asia (Jazzmandu - Nepal, Kolkata International Jazz Festival - India), and in North America (Zacatecas Jazz Festival, Polanco Jazz Festival, San José Jazz Festival).

Adrien Brandeis : piano
Felipe Cabrera : contrebasse
Andy Berald : drums
Abraham Mansfarroll : percussions


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