
Jazz, compositions

Oroso - Jazz, compositions
  • Tuesday November, 21st 2023
  • 8:00 PM
  • 38Riv
  • Full price : 22 €
    Reduced price : 17 €
    PJC member price : 17 €

Oroso is a modern jazz quartet with a wide range of influences. On stage, they play their compositions tinged with pop, groove and rock, but remain firmly rooted in jazz.

Oroso begins as a jam of jazz standards between friends. Week after week, the tunes become more and more arranged. As the months went by, the jam became a band. Initially very swinging, their set is gradually transformed, daring to take stronger stances: more pop melodies, stranger chords, and rockier grooves. But they never let go of the freedom and fun of the early days. Today, Oroso's sound is forged by this path, and by the accumulated hours on the road. The improvisations are collaborative, and the tracks are unique.

Octave Potier: double bass
Léo Bouloc: saxophone
Tibert Raynaud: guitar
Anaël Noury: drums


February 2025

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